Vision Builders is the annual campaign of C3 Church Devonport which serves as the opportunity for individuals and families to contribute through giving in a way that is about ensuring we are good stewards and wise investors of this gift that has been given to us by God.
This generous giving enables the maintenance and development of the gift we have been given of a home in the city of Devonport.
If this is the first time you are considering giving - we ask that you prayerfully consider what you might be able to bring.
This church we call home started with a seed, a step of faith of leaving comfortable behind to be obedient to the unction/leading of the Holy Spirit to birth a church from scratch.
We planted a seed – trusting in God to do what only He can do. And look at what has taken place over the past 17 years. Many have come alongside and chosen to bring their seed – sacrificial gifts of giving, that have led to us being able to have a home in this city.
And not just any home, but a building that also started with a seed in 1889, a group of early pioneers to this area who also sacrificed to see a home for its early settlers to this area, a church that at its height was hosting 3 services a day. Its position is indeed a beacon of light to the city.
We see seeds still to be planted that birth a day where the development of the building allows us to create a place of giving thanks to those who serve diligently in our city, serving the poor and downtrodden as a way of us displaying the love of Christ, of a meeting place that can host those who are lonely and purposeless through the love of “one another”, a place of training and development as we continue to raise up connect group leaders for the many that will be required across the coast … that “it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade”. Mark 4:30-32 (NLT)
One of our main priorities remains the same - to continue to make a further significant impact on the loan for this property, our home where God has placed us.
An overhaul of the main kitchen area has been an ongoing project which has taken longer than originally predicted. The board has wanted to ensure we do it right the first time. This has resulted in some great discussions in creating an outline/scope that we believe will ensure this is what is delivered.
I give to Vision Builders because I’ve been in this church for a long time and I have seen all the amazing things it does not only for the church community but the wider community. I know that Vision Builders goes towards making the church’s facilities better to be able to better serve the community. Even if I can only give a little the church can do a lot with it. That’s why I give to Vision Builders.
- Talia Beswick
Our first Sunday at C3 Devonport was in 2013 on a Vision Builders Sunday. This idea of giving to the church over and above the tithe was a new concept to us, but we absolutely believed in the Vision. As God settled our heart in this we committed a small seed amount to Vision Builders the following year. We absorbed all the connect group material on finances, put some strategies into place to make sure our finances were working for us and committed to increasing our Vision Builders pledge every year. Every year since we have been able to not only keep that commitment, but be generous as God calls us to – above the tithe and above our pledges in ways we never dreamed we could. God is so incredibly good. He has indeed grown and continues to grow the seed we chose to plant.
- Jeremy and Ema-Lee DeHaan
Vision Builders celebrates how far we have come, but also looks towards who we can become! It’s about practical needs like a fence and a kitchen upgrade. It’s the reason that we are positioned like a city on a hill; to reach our region for His Glory. Without the seed sown in the past we would not be reaping the current harvest. We believe that it is worth sacrificing today, to sow into the transformed lives of tomorrow.
– David and Meghan
I started giving to Vision Builders 10 yrs ago. I could see the good the building fund was used for and I wanted to be a part of building the vision. This last pledge, I’ve been able to complete, plus some. Through giving into Vision Builders, in my own life I can see God has truly blessed me. I’ve moved into a nicer rental, higher rent, but still been able to give in this way, as well as taking my first real holiday in 7 years. Giving financially to God, you can see the benefits. I will continue to do so.
- Peter Ardle
Name of Account: C3 Church Devonport
BSB & Account Number: 067-000 11036903
Reference: Your full name and “Pledge” or “Vision Builders”
The purpose of giving to Vision Builders is to fufil the financial commitments of the mortgage payments and to provide for current and future capital works. Donations received as tithes and offerings are used to cover the general costs of running the church, as well as funding our various ministries.
There is no pressure for anyone to give to Vision Builders, nor is there any minimum requirement. New people who would like to give are most welcome, as is anyone who finds that our vision resonates with them.
We recommend that you keep your own records, but you’ll also receive quarterly statements showing your giving progress. To ensure this process happens smoothly, we ask that you reference your full name when making contributions.
The easiest way to give to Vision Builders is via direct deposit using the relevant Vision Builders bank details. You can also give by cash, credit card, or cheque at our Sunday services, using the Vision Builders option on our giving envelopes or through Regardless of which method you choose to give, make sure to always reference your full name so that it can be allocated to your pledge.
We understand that sometimes things happen and for whatever reason people find difficulty in fulfilling their pledge within the time frame. So if you’ve not yet fulfilled last year’s pledge, and still plan to do so, you can choose to roll over the commitment into the following year. If your circumstances have changed and you’d like to discuss your commitment with us, please contact us.
If you are giving a one-off payment you may remain anonymous if you wish to. If you are committing to a long-term pledge and would like to receive quarterly statements, we will need your details in order to ensure your payments are correctly allocated – however, all information is kept strictly confidential.